Exploring The Top 6 Outdoor Travel Trends Of 2024

Truck on a scenic, mountainous road next to the ocean towing a travel trailer

Welcome, fellow adventurers, to another exciting journey through the world of outdoor travel trends! At Primo RV, we’re passionate about helping you unlock the full potential of your outdoor experiences. Whether you’re a seasoned road warrior or a novice explorer, … Continued

Why Choosing a 2024 Model is Your Best Bet

Rusted RV in the background with overlayed text that says "Why settle for new aged models? Camp in a fresh 2024 RV"

When it comes to investing in a recreational vehicle, choosing the right model year can significantly affect both your wallet and your overall RV experience. At Primo RV Centre, we’re often asked whether it’s a smart move to purchase an … Continued

The RV Lifestyle: The Most Affordable Way to Vacation

There was a time when RV travel seemed like a pastime for retirees. That time is long gone. With airfare, gas & hotel costs rising, more young couples and families are getting creative and looking for enjoyable getaways that won’t … Continued